Who are Freemasons?

Freemasons are a diverse group of men from all walks of life, from many religions and many backgrounds. We follow a centuries-old tradition which started with the guilds of stonemasons in medieval times and evolved into an influential modern-day organisation. Today Freemasonry is more relevant than ever, giving men support to navigate changing times and become the best they can be.

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry (also known as Masonry or the Craft) has existed throughout the world for centuries and is the oldest Fraternal Order in the world. As one of the world’s oldest social and charitable organisations, its roots likely lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built European cathedrals and castles; however, its true origins remain unknown. It is a Brotherhood of like-minded men of good moral character and who desire to better themselves and the world around them…. a Brotherhood who develop lifelong friendships with fellow Masons and their families, and are welcomed at Masonic lodges throughout the United States and the world.

Masonry is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place. Through our culture of philanthropy, we make a profound difference for our brothers, our families, our communities, and our future. Masons find satisfaction in being part of a centuries-old fraternity whose traditions and core values are relevant today, and will endure for centuries to come.

Through a series of degrees and ceremonies, the values of Freemasonry are passed from generation to generation, Mason to Mason, in a timeless and tireless effort to make good men better. These degrees provide a framework that affects every aspect of modern life and are based on the values of brotherly love, relief, and truth.

Every year in virtually every city and town across America… and the world, thousands of men join the ranks of Freemasonry. Men of honor and integrity. Of charity and obligation. Each with a vow to be the best they can be. To be more than just a man. To be a Mason.

For Freemasons, there are four important values that help define their path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity. In today’s world filled with uncertainty, these principles ring as true as they have at any point in the organisation’s history.

Integrity: Building good people
Freemasons are focused on building themselves as people of integrity and membership provides the structure to help achieve that goal.

Friendship: Building together
Freemasonry provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.

Respect: Building unity
Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society.

Charity: Building compassion
Kindness and charitable giving are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry and the organisation provides the structure for members to make positive contributions to their communities and various causes.